Big Badass Bootstrap List



Additional Bootstrap specific addons to supplement the base Bootstrap features


BOOTSTRAP-MAXLENGTH Uses badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work.

WATABLE a pretty decent jQuery table plugin

BOOTSTRAP-TIMEPICKER A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap.

BOOTSTRO.JS Guide users through your application via a series of Bootstrap popovers

NOD! A frontend validation plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

MESSENGER Replacement for alert() messages and other user interaction notifications.

JQUERY.TOCIFY.JS A jQuery Table of Contents plugin that can be themed with Twitter Bootstrap or jQueryUI.

BOOTSTRAP-PROMPTS An implementation to replace the alert(), prompt(),confirm() notifications on the browser when using Twitter Bootstrap with Modal information

SUBNAV FOR BOOTSTRAP 2 Example of how to implement SubNavs in Bootstrap navigation menus.

JQUERY-BOOTSTRAP-SCRIPTING Uses the modal dialog provided by bootstrap and provides a controlable dialog functionality for web pages as a jQuery plugin.

BOOTSTRAP-LIGHTBOX This is a plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that adds a lightbox that is based off the modal dialog

MENTION.JS Lightweight wrapper for adding @user mention functionality to Twitter Bootstraps Typeahead plugin

PINES NOTIFY JavaScript notifications for Bootstrap or jQuery UI

ACC-WIZARD An accordion-based wizard based on Bootstrap styles.

JQUERY-BOOTSTRAP-PAGINATION A simple, full-featured, pagination system for jQuery that outputs Twitter Bootstrap marked up pagination links.

BANGBANG TAG INPUT A jQuery plugin to handle multiple tagged input.

TOCIFY A Bootstrap styled jQuery Table of Contents

SORICH87/BOOTSTRAP-TOUR Quick and easy way to build your product tours with Twitter Bootstrap Popovers

BOOTSTRAP-TAGS Bootstrap tags is a lightweight jQuery plugin meant to extend the Twitter Bootstrap UI to include tagging.

BOOTSTRAP ARROWS Add-on to the popular Twitter Bootstrap framework to include the use of arrows at any angle in your UI designs

BOOTSTRAP-MODAL Extends Bootstrap's native modals to provide additional functionality. Introduces a ModalManager class that operates behind the scenes to handle multiple modals by listening on their events.

PILLBOX FUEL UX Pillbox container (often used for tags) control

DATAGRID FUEL UX Editable, searchable data display table.

BOOTMETRO Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for web apps that wants to use the "Windows 8 App Store" style

BOOTSTRAP TOUR Easy to configure site tour wizard

JQUERY-SLIMSCROLL Transforms any div into a scrollable area with a nice scrollbar (default Bootstrap styling).

BOOTSTRAP-PROGRESSBAR Multi-Color progressbar component for Twitter Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP HTML5 VIDEO PLAYER HTML5 video player plugin for jQuery based on bootstrap UI

BOOTPAG A dynamic pagination jQuery plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP-IMAGE-GALLERY An extension to the Modal dialog of Twitter's Bootstrap toolkit,

TABLECLOTH.JS Style, sort and manipulate tables quickly

PAGEDOWN-BOOTSTRAP A port of the Pagedown Markdown editor for use with Twitter Bootstrap.

MENU DROPDOWN ON HOVER PLUGIN Slick dropdown on hover and a good discussion of the tradeoffs for mobile.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP HOVER DROPDOWN PLUGIN A simple plugin to enable twitter bootstrap dropdowns to activate on hover and provide a nice user experience.

CSS3 MICROSOFT MODERN BUTTONS "Modern" the style formerly known as "Metro" appearance Bootstrap button styles.

D3 BOOTSTRAP POPOVERS Uses the markup and css from bootstrap to make pretty D3 popovers.


BOOTBOX.JS - ALERT, CONFIRM AND FLEXIBLE DIALOGS FOR TWITTER'S BOOTSTRAP FRAMEWORK Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes.


BOOTSTRAP-MULTISUGGESTPLUGIN Extends Typeahead to support multiple datasources, backbone, ajax and static arrays

BOOTSTRAP-WYSIWYG Tiny, opensource, Bootstrap WYSIWYG rich text editor from MindMup

BOOTSTRAP-MAXLENGTH Uses badges to display the maximum length of the field where the user is inserting text. This plugin uses the HTML5 attribute "maxlength" to work.

SANDGLAZ/BOOTSTRAP-TAGAUTOCOMPLETE · GITHUB Works the same way tagging people on FB or Twitter does

BOOTSTRAP FILE INPUT STYLER Make all file input fields look like standard Twitter Bootstrap buttons

BOOTSTRAP-TIMEPICKER A simple timepicker component for Twitter Bootstrap.

SILVIOMORETO/BOOTSTRAP-SELECT · GITHUB A custom select for @twitter bootstrap using button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects;

MAGICSUGGEST Auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery

NOD! A frontend validation plugin for Twitter Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP-ACKNOWLEDGEINPUTS A small bootstrap plugin that provide form input controls that feedback to the user as to whether their input was valid.

TREE.JS Tree control for Bootstrap, very handy for directory listings, folders with folders in them, or any hierarchical.

WIZARD.JS Wizard Control to move people through a series of steps.

MAGICSUGGEST Auto-suggest combo with bootstrap theme using jQuery

BOOTSTRAP-DUALLISTBOX Bootstrap Dual Listbox is a responsive dual listbox widget optimized for Twitter Bootstrap. Works on all modern browsers and on touch devices.

JQUERY-SIMPLECOLORPICKER Yet another jQuery color picker. This plugin is unobtrusive and integrates well with Twitter Bootstrap. The source code only requires jQuery and is about 200 lines of JavaScript and 100 lines of CSS.

TWBOOTSTRAPJQVALPOPOVER Popover Error Messages with JQuery Validation and Twitter Bootstrap. Displays error messages as Twitter Bootstrap Popovers instead of inline text.

BOOTSTRAP-WYSIHTML5-RAILS A stylish wysiwyg editor for Bootstrap.

MY-BOOTSTRAP-DATETIMEPICKER A simple, no-frills date/time picker for use with Twitter Bootstrap.

GOOGLE FONT SELECT Adds a drop-down of fonts from Google Font API

BOOTSTRAP-DATETIMEPICKER Extremely slick Date and Time picker for Bootstrap - unique animation+UI to switch between date and time entry modes.

BOOTSTRAP-MULTISELECT a JQuery based plugin to provide for using select inputs with the multiple attribute to present a dropdown menu containing the single options as checkboxes.

JQRANGESLIDER jQuery plugin for range sliders with Bootstrap styling

JASNY BOOTSTRAP Collection of additional form and input components for Bootstrap. Action links, input mask, row link, file upload, page alerts, semi-fluid layout, desktop row and more.

JQUERY-ADDRESSPICKER Drag and drop a Google Maps map marker to choose a location, or dynamically update an embedded map on the page when the address is entered.

JQUERY FILE UPLOAD DEMO File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery.

BOOTSTRAP CONTEXTMENU A context menu extension of Twitter Bootstrap made for everyone's convenience.

SELECTBOXIT Replace ugly and hard to use HTML select boxes with gorgeous and feature rich drop downs.

SPINNER - FUEL UX Wait indicator for form submissions

SEARCH FUEL UX Search input control for Twitter Bootstrap

PILLBOX FUEL UX Pillbox container (often used for tags) control

BOOTSTRAP-WYSIHTML5 Create simple, beautiful wysiwyg editors with the help of wysihtml5 and Twitter Bootstrap

SELECTBOX FORM HELPER Allows for select box filtering, default selection and better styling

TYPEAHEAD EXTENSION Additional functionality beyond the stock Bootstrap typeahead - callback on select, local or remote data source

FINE UPLOADER A user-friendly file-uploading experience over the web

X-EDITABLE In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery UI or pure jQuery

JQBOOTSTRAPVALIDATION A JQuery validation plugin for bootstrap forms.

PRETTYCHECKABLE Replaces the default checkboxes and radio inputs for better looking ones.

CHOSEN-LESS-BOOTSTRAP Chosen (the select box awesomefier) - now for Bootstrap and LESS

BOOTSTRAP AJAX Plugin designed to work with Twitter Bootstrap to enable declarative AJAX support.

BOOTSTRAP TOGGLE BUTTONS Bootstrap checkbox's restyled as on/off style toggle buttons


BOOTSTRAP-WYSIHTML5-RAILS A stylish wysiwyg editor for Bootstrap.

TIMEPICKER Select a time for a text input using your mouse or arrow keys.

COMBOBOX FUEL UX Bootstrap style form element combining textfield and select controls.

TIMEZONE FORM HELPERS A drop down of timezones from country code

LANGUAGES FORM HELPER A drop down of languages or a display of language name from language code.

PHONE FORM HELPER Textfield input formatting of phone numbers

STATES FORM HELPER A drop-down of states within a country or display of state name from state and country code

COUNTRIES FORM HELPER A drop-down of countries or a display of country name from country code.

DATE RANGE PICKER Creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates

DATEPICKER FOR BOOTSTRAP Add datepicker to any field or other element.

COLORPICKER FOR BOOTSTRAP Add a color picker to any field or other element.

Framework Integrations

Means and Methods of Integrating Bootstrap into your Application Framework or CMS



BOOTSTRAP FOR CSLA CSLA integration for Twitter Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP FOR ASP.NET MVC Quickly add Twitter Bootstrap to an MVC 4 application.


TAPESTRY-BOOTSTRAP Tapestry Module for Twitter Bootstrap.

GRAILS-BOOTSTRAP-UI Grails Bootstrap UI Set for Plugin Platform Themes

GWT-BOOTSTRAP Provides simple and flexible components representing Twitter's bootstrap components, styles, and plugins.

WICKET-BOOTSTRAP Wicket-Bootstrap is based on Twitter's toolkit (bootstrap) and the Apache Wicket Framework.

STRUTS2-BOOTSTRAP A Plugin for simple Twitter Bootstrap integration into Struts2.

TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-GRAILS-PLUGIN Provides Twitter Bootstrap CSS framework resource files within Grails.


DURANDAL Single page app framework using jQuery, Knockout, RequireJS and Bootstrap.

KNOCKOUT-BOOTSTRAP A plugin that adds custom bindings for twitter bootstrap plugins such as tooltips and popovers.

BOOTSTRAP-BLOG Simple reusable blog template for Node.js and Bootstrap

EMBERJS-PAGEABLE A mixin for ArrayControllers to build a paginated view that can be controlled with Bootstrap's pagination component.

EMBERJS-ADDONS/EMBER-BOOTSTRAP · GITHUB Set of UI elements styled using the Bootstrap toolkit for use with Ember.js.

METEOR - BOOTSTRAP PACKAGE Optional package to add Bootstrap support within Meteor

EXTJS BOOTSTRAP THEME Twitter Bootstrap Theme for ExtJS 4

NODE-EXPRESS-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP NodeJS Boostrap using Express / EJS / Twitter Bootstrap / Responsive CSS3

DERBY-UI-BOOT A Derby component library based on Twitter Bootstrap.

ENDER-BOOTSTRAP Twitter Bootstrap for Ender

ANGULARSTRAP Bootstrap directives for AngularJS

ANGULARJS_SCAFFOLD A rails plugin for scaffolding views using Angular.js, Twitter bootstrap and font awesome.


WRIGHT The Wright Framework is used to create Joomla Templates. The name is in honor of the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, because the framework is like a blueprint.

JOOMLA 3.0 With the adoption of the Bootstrap framework, Joomla! has become the first major CMS to be mobile ready in both the visitors and administrator areas.

EXPOSE FRAMEWORK Theme Development Toolset for Joomla using Bootstrap

SIMPLE BOOTSTRAP INTEGRATION Integrates the Bootstrap library and also makes it easy to install the various Bootstrap plugins within Joomla.

JOOSTRAP Premium Joomla Bootstrap templates, code snippets, discussions and more


CODEIGNITER_FORM_BUILDER CodeIgniter library to build uniform form elements with bootstrap styling

WRIGHT The Wright Framework is used to create Joomla Templates. The name is in honor of the famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, because the framework is like a blueprint.

BRAINCRAFTED BOOTSTRAP Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework seemingless integrated into Symfony2.

WP-BOOTSTRAP-GALLERY A custom Wordpress gallery for dynamic thumbnail layout using Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2 thumbnails and the WordPress built in gallery manager.

WP-BOOTSTRAP-NAVWALKER A custom Wordpress nav walker class to implement the Twitter Bootstrap 2.2 navigation style in your custom theme using the Wordpress built in menu manager.

YIIBOOSTER A collection of widgets and utilities that will easy the task of developing Yii applications with the beauty of Twitter Bootstrap.

OPEN FRAMEWORK A responsive Drupal them based on Twitter Bootstrap

ACADEMIC Minimal blog CMS built with PHP and Bootstrap

RAPYD-FRAMEWORK a PHP5 minimalistic framework made to build applications based on MVC and CRUD patterns, bundled with Bootstrap

T3BOOTSTRAP A TYPO3 collection of tools, flexible content elements (TemplaVoilà), custom helper extensions and the basic twitter Bootstrap framework.

SHOESTRAP Shoestrap is a WordPress theme that’s based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap from Twitter.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP CSS PLUGIN Quickly link the latest Bootstrap CSS and Javascript to all pages, regardless of the WordPress Theme

BONFIRE Bootstrap based CodeIgniter project

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP FOR CAKEPHP A theme for cakePHP 2.1 with Twitter Bootstrap.

YIIBOOSTER - SITE YiiBooster is YiiBootstrap on 'roids.

HWBOOT EZPublish CMS Design and Template for Twitter Bootstrap

YII-BOOTSTRAP Bringing together the Yii PHP framework and Twitter's Bootstrap

MOPABOOTSTRAPBUNDLE MopaBootstrapBundle is a collection of code to integrate twitter's bootstrap as easy as possible into your symfony2 project.

ZF-BOILERPLATE Zend Framework Boilerplate - Bootstrap included in default

BH BOOTSTRAP THEME A basic port of Twitter's Bootstrap development framework to Drupal 7

CODEIGNITER-BOOTSTRAP Kick starts the development process of the web development process by including Twitter Bootstrap into CodeIgniter

CAKEPHP-BOOTSTRAPPIFIER Use Bootstrap with CakePHP without the need for FormHelper hacks.


HTML::FORMHANDLER::WIDGET::THEME::BOOTSTRAP Renders form messages using Bootstrap formatting and classes within Catalyst

MOJOLICIOUS-BOILERPLATE YAML config for Mojolicious, Configurable application menu based on user type Unified user notification through messages displayed

DANCER-LAYOUT-BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap layouts for the Perl Dancer framework


FLASK-BOOTSTRAP Packages Twitter's Bootstrap into an extension that mostly consists of a blueprint named 'bootstrap'. It can also create links to serve Bootstrap from a CDN.

TW2.BOOTSTRAP ToscaWidgets 2 library that makes excessive use of the Twitter Bootstrap CSS Framework.

FA.BOOTSTRAP Pyramid - Twitter Bootstrap integration

DJANGO-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP Provide a base Django project which handles the build process of Twitter Bootstrap 2.1 via django-compress

DJANGO-BOOTSTRAP-TOOLKIT Django Toolkit for integration with Twitter's Bootstrap

DJANGO CRISPY FORMS Control the rendering behavior of Django forms in a DRY way with Bootstrap

DJANGO-ADMIN-BOOTSTRAPPED Bootstrap your Django admin in 3 minutes, without changing your existing codebase.


TWITTER-BOOTSWATCH-RAILS Single gem to load Bootstrap, Fontawesome and themes from Bootswatch into your Rails app.

BOOTSTRAP-EDITABLE-RAILS In-place editing with Twitter Bootstrap for Rails

BOOTSTRAP-RAILS-ENGINE Make Twitter Bootstrap into Rails Engine.

TWITTER_BOOTSTRAP_HELPER A collection of Rails helpers to output formatting for Twitter Bootstrap.

BOOTSTRAP FORMS A Rails generator that makes working with Bootstrap forms even easier on Rails

WILL PAGINATE BOOTSTRAP Integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with the will_paginate pagination gem.

THE RAILSAPPS PROJECT A website for open source Ruby on Rails example applications and Rails tutorials.

FORMTASTIC-BOOTSTRAP A Formtastic form builder that creates markup suitable for the Twitter Bootstrap framework.

LESS-RAILS-BOOTSTRAP Hooks into less-rails to provide both compiled and LESS CSS source files from the Twitter Bootstrap project within the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.

SINATRA-BOOTSTRAP Boilerplate application of a Sinatra and Twitter Bootstrap application

TWITTER_BOOTSTRAP_FORM_FOR A Rails FormBuilder DSL that makes it easier to include Bootstrap stylings within your form.

TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-RAILS Integrates Bootstrap CSS toolkit for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline (Rails 3.2 supported)

ANDYCROLL/KAMINARI_THEMES Bootstrap Themes for the Kaminari Pagination gem

BOOTSTRAP RAILS FLASH MESSAGES Bootstrap alerts and Rails flash messages combined in one easy-to-use gem.

HOBO_BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap based theme for Hobo 2.0


WORDPRESS BOOTSTRAP THEMES Listing of free, base and premium themes for Wordpress based on Bootstrap.

WP-BOOTSTRAP-GALLERY A custom Wordpress gallery for dynamic thumbnail layout using Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.2 thumbnails and the WordPress built in gallery manager.

WP-BOOTSTRAP-NAVWALKER A custom Wordpress nav walker class to implement the Twitter Bootstrap 2.2 navigation style in your custom theme using the Wordpress built in menu manager.

WP PLUGIN FOR BOOTSTRAP SHORTCODES Plugin will add a button to your WordPress text editor so you can easily add Twitter Bootstrap shortcodes to your pages and posts

SHOESTRAP Shoestrap is a WordPress theme that’s based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap from Twitter.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP CSS PLUGIN Quickly link the latest Bootstrap CSS and Javascript to all pages, regardless of the WordPress Theme

STRAPPRESS A responsive WordPress theme with all the Twitter Bootstrap components and interactions.

WP-BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap in a WordPress theme a 320press project.

BOOTSTRAPWP A solid base for custom theme development on Wordpress with Bootstrap

ROOTS WORDPRESS THEME Rapidly create sites with HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap from Twitter

THE BOOTSTRAP WordPress Theme, with a great image and gallery handling, based on Bootstrap from Twitter.

ALIEN SHIP Alien Ship is meant to be a foundation on which to build, it is fully integrated with Bootstrap.

WPSTRAP WP Strap is an open-source WordPress theme using the Bootstrap framework from Twitter.

Interface Builders

Visual Tools for designing the structure or other aspects of a Bootstrap layout


LAYOUTIT! Interface Builder for Bootstrap

GLYPHICONS-SPRITE-GENERATOR Change the size and colors of the Bootstap icons if you are using the Pro files, all the extra icons will be available to your Bootstrap project.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP BUTTON GENERATOR WITH FAMFAMFAM ICONS Bootstrap buttons, but with the FamFam Iconset replacing glyphicons

CSS3 GRADIENT GENERATOR Extensive gradient builder for setting Bootstrap values

BEAUTIFUL BOOTSTRAP BUTTONS Make pretty buttons easily for Twitter Bootstrap

CSS GRADIENT GENERATOR A powerful Photoshop-like CSS gradient editor from ColorZilla.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP BUTTON GENERATOR Make slick looking buttons easily.

HOLDER.JS Client side image placeholders

JQDRAWBOOTSTRAPGRID A simple jQuery plugin that draws grid columns to a twitter bootstrap layout. Very helpful for debugging.


DIVSHOT Interface Builder for Web Apps

BOOTSTRAP-FORM-BUILDER Drag and drop form builder for twitter bootstrap.

JETSTRAP The Bootstrap Interface Builder

EASEL.IO Design & build in your browser. (It's the fastest way to ship.)

BOOTSNIPP.COM Gallery of free HTML snippets for Twitter Bootstrap.


THEMES FOR BOOTSTRAP Clearinghouse of Free, OpenSource and Premium themes from all over the Internet.

LAVISH Generate your own Bootstrap color scheme

WRAPBOOTSTRAP Theme marketplace for Twitter Bootstrap

FBOOTSTRAPP A toolkit designed to kickstart development of facebook iframe apps in both relevant sizes

BOOTTHEME Web Design Tool and Theme Generator for Twitter Bootstrap

JQUERY-UI-BOOTSTRAP The beauty of Twitter's Bootstrap to jQuery UI widgets.

BOOTSWATCHER The Twitter Bootstrap Themer

BOOTSWATCHR.COM BootSwatchr is a visual tool for creating a custom Bootstrap theme from the ground up.

BOOTSWATCH Set of open source themes for Bootstrap

STYLEBOOTSTRAP.INFO Element style picker for Bootstrap customization

PAINTSTRAP Generate Bootstrap themes using the color scheme

Mockup Tools

Stencils and Templates for Drawing and Mockup Applications

PRINTABLE TWITTER BOOTSTRAP WIREFRAME PDF scaled to 60% of live page for quick sketches of layouts within the Bootstrap Grid.

TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-FOR-OMNIGRAFFLE This is a set of Omnigraffle stencils, colors and templates that mirror Twitter Bootstrap as closely as possible.

REPIX BOOTSTRAP PSD Includes all base elements layered in Photoshop for typography, buttons, grids, navigation, and more used in the original CSS3 Bootstrap v2 framework from Twitter

BOOTSTRAP WIDGETS LIBRARY FOR AXURE Free Axure Widgets Library for Twitter Bootstra

GRID TEMPLATES A set of grids in photoshop and illustrator based on the bootstrap scaffolding, these are the default responsive grids available on the bootstrap site.

TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-OMNIGRAFFLE-STENCIL Make it easy to mockup web sites or web applications in OmniGraffle for Bootstrap

FIREWORKS FOR BOOTSTRAP Fireworks elements of Twitter Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP BALSAMIQ COMPONENTS A symbols library for the mockup/drawing app Balsamiq

BOOTGRID.PSD A simple .psd for quickly and easily mocking up Twitter Bootstrap designs.

GUIDEGUIDE Photoshop Plugin For Dealing With Grids

HTML PROTOTYPING TOOLBOX A set of layouts that NiceUX uses to speed up their prototyping process for Twitter Bootstrap

Tools and Services

Additional items to make Bootstrap Development Easier and Faster


BOOTSTRAPTOR Free templates and wireframes for Bootstrap

BOOTPLY A Bootstrap playground - sandbox for Twitter Bootstrap. Use Bootply to design, prototype, extend, or test the Bootstrap framework.

MODERNMAIL Build email templates with Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAP-IE7 IE7 shim for adding support in Bootstrap 3.x

SCREENCHECK Responsive design testing tool - easily check your content at different viewport sizes.

GOLDEN RATIO TYPOGRAPHY CALCULATOR Discover, optimize and explore the perfect typographic ratios for a given font size and content width

HTML BUTTON GENERATOR Bootsnipp Button Builder

BOOTSTRAP TWITTER OFFLINE DOCS A Chrome extension for easy access to Bootstrap Framework documentation.

SUBLIME-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-SNIPPETS A bunch of nicely described and categorized Twitter Bootstrap code snippets for Sublime Text editor.

ELUSIVE ICONS A FontAwesome alternative - icons font designed for use with Bootstrap

GAMEICONS.NET 954 free SVG and PNG icons easily customizable for games or apps

FONT AWESOME MORE 2.1 Additional 30+ Icons on top of FontAwesome - representing browsers, apps, web services and displays

ANIMATE.LESS A bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations converted into LESS for you to use in your Bootstrap projects

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP FOR GITHUB PAGES A Github Pages theme for your project built with

MOBILE-FIRST-BOOTSTRAP-GRID Starts with mobile styles for the Bootstrap grid first and uses media queries to add layout for larger screens.

SASS-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP Focused on being a 1:1 translation from Less to Sass. Frequently updated

OPENWEB ICONS Because Font Awesome had no RSS-icon and a font with only one icon would be a bit boring

FLATSTRAP Bootstrap with no gradients, rounded corners or other design flare. A starting point of customization projects.

BOOTUNSTRAP Modify the local versions of variables.less, bootstrap.less and responsive.less while keeping the original bootstrap repository isolated and easily updateable

BOOTUI Desktop application for generating Bootstrap templates

FONTCUSTOM.COM Generate custom icon webfonts from the comfort of the command line.

SUBLIME-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP-SNIPPETS A bunch of nicely described and categorized Twitter Bootstrap code snippets for Sublime Text editor.

BOOTSTRAP SASS A Sass-powered version of Twitter's Bootstrap, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.

COMPASS TWITTER BOOTSTRAP Twitter Bootstrap converted for Rails + Compass

DOJO BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap, but with Dojo instead of jQuery


I LOVE BOOTSTRAP An unofficial site showcasing the very best sites using Bootstrap

BOOTSTRAPDOCS Twitter Bootstrap Documentation Archive

BOOTSTRAPCDN Bootstrap, FontAwesome and Bootswatch hosted on NetDNA's Content Delivery Network

INITIALIZR Generate HTML5 + Bootstrap templates

How Tos

Tutorials and Instructions on using Bootstrap


CUSTOMIZING BOOTSTRAP Tips and recommendations on getting started with LESS and Bootstrap customization.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP TUTORIAL Up and running with Twitter Bootstrap in 20 Minutes

ADDING SWIPE SUPPORT TO BOOTSTRAP'S CAROUSEL Justin Lazanowski writes up how he was able to get Bootstrap's carousel working for touch/swipe actions.

GET A LEG UP WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP An introduction and demonstration of the most interesting features of Bootstrap.

SORTABLE BOOTSTRAP TABLES (IN RAILS) How to add drag-and-drop reordering on a twitter-bootstrap table in Rails. Uses ranked-model and jQuery-UI.

HOW TO MAKE YOUR SITE LOOK HALF-DECENT IN HALF AN HOUR Here are one coder’s tips for making any site quickly look more professional.

GETTING STARTED WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP We are going to look into Bootstrap and try out a few of the features provided, to see how this framework can speed up our web development process.

HOWTO BUILD A RAPID AND RESPONSIVE SITE WITH BOOTSTRAP Rapid and Responsive: UX to Prototype with Bootstrap — Josh Jeffrys | MoDevDC


SINGLE PAGE APP WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP AND NODE.JS Great article on how to evaluate, design and build a single page app with node.

HOW TO USE TWITTER BOOTSTRAP TO CREATE A RESPONSIVE WEBSITE DESIGN How to use Twitter Bootstrap to Create a Responsive Website Design

EXTEND TWITTER BOOTSTRAP WITH YOUR OWN JQUERY PLUGIN his short tutorial will go over the different steps to create your first jQuery plugin to extend Twitter Bootstrap.

HOWTO CUSTOMIZE BOOTSTRAP SITES IN WEBMATRIX Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive and powerful front- end framework for faster and easier web development - a good fit with WPF and WebMatrix.

CREATE CLEAN WEBPAGES WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP Step by Step Visual Studio project for how to add Bootstrap to a project.

BUILD A RESPONSIVE WORDPRESS THEME WITH BOOTSTRAP Learn how to make our own responsive WordPress theme using Bootstrap.

GETTING STARTED WITH A TWITTER BOOTSTRAP TUTORIAL This will equip you to build web apps and sites using Twitter Bootstrap.

RUBY ON RAILS TUTORIAL - INTEGRATING BOOTSTRAP Section of the larger Rails Tutorial going into specifics of integrating bootstrap-sass.

DROPBOX FILE UPLOADER WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP HowTo create a simple application that allows people to attach a photo from their Dropbox account, crop an area with the Jcrop plugin, and download the result.

DESIGN A RESPONSIVE CONTACT PAGE How to use responsive form elements to create a Bootstrap based contact page

DESIGN A RESPONSIVE HOMEPAGE A very real world project, a single page site or splash page that works on mobile, built with Bootstrap

PRETTY FILE INPUT FIELD IN BOOTSTRAP Bootstrap leaves the file input to the browser default, this article goes through the steps to integrate it better.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP MEETS FORMTASTIC AND TABULOUSRUBYSOURCE a detailed, step by step tutorial that will take you through the process of writing a new Rails 3.1 app that uses Twitter Bootstrap with Formtastic and Tabulous

HOW TO CUSTOMIZE BOOTSTRAP WITHIN A RAILS APP Twitter Bootstrap provides a tremendous amount of useful CSS support that would take a long time to reimplement

SYMFONY 2 BOOTSTRAP FORMS How to create your own form templates with Symfony2 and Bootstrap

USE BOOTSTRAP FOR PROTOTYPING Quick and Easy Interactive Wireframes with Bootstrap

HOW TO CREATE A LAZY LOAD CAROUSEL A lazy load carousel delays loading of images in order to make the page load faster. It loads the images only if needed.

BUILD A SINGLE PAGE APPLICATION WITH KNOCKOUT.JS AND BOOTSTRAP Tutorial on how to fit all the necessary code – HTML, JavaScript and CSS on one single page, hence the name.


CUSTOM ICON SET TUTORIAL How to Create a Custom Icon Set for Bootstrap

JQUERY VALIDATE W/ BOOTSTRAP How to integrate the jQuery validate plugin with Bootstrap Styles

GOLDEN BOOTSTRAP Golden Bootstrap is a bunch of less written css rules giving you the divine power of using golden ratio sized columns with Bootstrap.

STYLING YOUR APPS WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP An introduction using Twitter Bootstrap and its key important features to style your apps quickly and easily.

MODALS TUTORIAL How to create and customize Modal windows using Twitter Bootstrap with several examples and explanations.

HOW TO DECIDE BETWEEN FLUID AND FIXED Fluid vs Fixed (and responsive) decision making

HOW TO: CUSTOMIZE TWITTER BOOTSTRAP TO NOT LOOK BOOTSTRAP-Y Please! if you do use Bootstrap for just about everything be courteous to your audience and change up some of the basic variables so it doesn’t look all the same!

CREATE AN ENGAGING WEBSITE WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP BY CHRIS CONVERSE How to build a responsive, interactive, and visually engaging web page with simple and flexible HTML, CSS and JavaScript

HOWTO JOOMLA BOOTSTRAP TEMPLATE HowTo Using the Twitter Bootstrap Framework to build a responsive Joomla! Template from Scratch


DESKTOP-FIRST TO MOBILE-FIRST WITH BOOTSTRAP Covers changes in design thinking switching to a Mobile first mindset.

REFRESHING YOUR UI How to use Bootstrap, CSS3 and HTML5 to refresh the design of your site.

DESIGNING BOOTSTRAP Presentation by Bootstrap Creator Mark Otto on how the principles of design are reflected in Bootstrap

BUILDING WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP We dive in to the principles of using Bootstrap effectively in your design and development process - and how not use it.

TYPESETTING THE WEB Not strictly Bootstrap, but awesome: You’ll learn basic typeface anatomy & terminology, typesetting techniques

DESIGNING BOOTSTRAP Understand the background and underpinnings of Bootstrap from the source themselves.


UP AND RUNNING WITH BOOTSTRAP A video course on covering how to get started with Bootstrap by Jen Kramer

BOOTSTRAP FOR EXTENSION DEVELOPERS How to take advantage of the bootstrap framework in your extension so you can leave the designing to the designers.

#329 MORE ON TWITTER BOOTSTRAP (PRO) - RAILSCASTS How to display flash messages, add form validations with SimpleForm, customize layout with variables, and switch to using Sass.

#328 TWITTER BOOTSTRAP BASICS - RAILSCASTS learn how to include Bootstrap into Rails with the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem.

YUI AND BOOTSTRAP YUI contributor Jay Shirley (@jshirley) talks about his project to provide an alternative JavaScript implementation for Twitter Bootstrap based on YUI.

TWITTER BOOTSTRAP 101 - YOUTUBE A 17 Video series on how to get started and customize Twitter Bootstrap

Javascript Addons

Useful Bootstrap Compatible Javascript Addons

BOOTSTRAP-MULTISUGGESTPLUGIN Extends Typeahead to support multiple datasources, backbone, ajax and static arrays

DURANDAL Single page app framework using jQuery, Knockout, RequireJS and Bootstrap.

KNOCKOUT-BOOTSTRAP A plugin that adds custom bindings for twitter bootstrap plugins such as tooltips and popovers.

BOOTSTRAP-BLOG Simple reusable blog template for Node.js and Bootstrap

PARSLEY.JS Javascript forms validation. Powerful, UX aware & Dead simple.

SINGLE PAGE APP WITH TWITTER BOOTSTRAP AND NODE.JS Great article on how to evaluate, design and build a single page app with node.

EXTEND TWITTER BOOTSTRAP WITH YOUR OWN JQUERY PLUGIN his short tutorial will go over the different steps to create your first jQuery plugin to extend Twitter Bootstrap.

EMBERJS-PAGEABLE A mixin for ArrayControllers to build a paginated view that can be controlled with Bootstrap's pagination component.

EMBERJS-ADDONS/EMBER-BOOTSTRAP · GITHUB Set of UI elements styled using the Bootstrap toolkit for use with Ember.js.

METEOR - BOOTSTRAP PACKAGE Optional package to add Bootstrap support within Meteor

EXTJS BOOTSTRAP THEME Twitter Bootstrap Theme for ExtJS 4

NODE-EXPRESS-TWITTER-BOOTSTRAP NodeJS Boostrap using Express / EJS / Twitter Bootstrap / Responsive CSS3

DERBY-UI-BOOT A Derby component library based on Twitter Bootstrap.

YUI AND BOOTSTRAP YUI contributor Jay Shirley (@jshirley) talks about his project to provide an alternative JavaScript implementation for Twitter Bootstrap based on YUI.

ENDER-BOOTSTRAP Twitter Bootstrap for Ender

SISYPHUS.JS Gmail like client side form draft saves.

DATA FILTER Filters elements by data attribute

FADETO Fades text using snappy CSS3 transitions

FADETOSRC Fades between images using CSS3

HAIRCUT Trims text down to fit into its container

TYPER An easy-to-use jQuery plugin that types

ANGULARSTRAP Bootstrap directives for AngularJS

JQUERY-QRCODE/ Pure browser qrcode generation with jQuery

JQBOOTSTRAPVALIDATION A JQuery validation plugin for bootstrap forms.

ANGULARJS_SCAFFOLD A rails plugin for scaffolding views using Angular.js, Twitter bootstrap and font awesome.

SELECTBOXIT A jQuery Select Box Plugin for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop

KEYPRESS.JS A Javascript library for capturing input

CAMANJS Image Manipulation in Javascript - manipulate images using HTML5 canvas and Javascript

INFINITY.JS Speeds up scrolling through long lists and keeps infinite feeds smooth and stable for users