EV SSL in the Fortune 500

Find out what percentage of the Fortune 500 is actually using EV certs and if you should be.

July 12, 2021
We're Expedited Security. We help SAAS applications prevent and recover from attack, overcome regulatory or integration security requirements or just stop "weird" traffic before it becomes a problem.

A colleague recently wandered if there was a source of a lot of EV SSL certificates. I mentioned the Fortune 500 - and said I'd have something in a few minutes.

So, here it is: certificate data for the Fortune 500.

Let's see what we found. Raw data and source code links at the end.


How often is SSL available on company homepages? How often is EV SSL used?

139 companies in the Fortune 500 had some form of SSL encryption available on their company's regular website.

37 of those websites identified their companies with an EV certificate.

Which companies in the Fortune 500 use EV SSL certificates?

EV certificates are primary used by finance (Bank Of America, Freddie Mac, State Farm, many others), retail (Macy's, Bed Bath & Beyond), and tech companies (Apple, Microsoft) in the Fortune 500.

Links to all the EV sites are below, as well as their position in the Fortune 500.

Raw SSL certificates for the Fortune 500

Here's the full SSL certificate subjects of the entire Fortune 500.

Source code

Here's the full source code to check the certificates of the fortune 50 and measure the results yourself - it only takes a few seconds to run.